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Associate Membership Full Membership Accredited Membership Fellowship

Fellowship Membership

Go all the way and become one of a handful of members to achieve BACD Fellowship.

The highest and final stage on the BACD’s Career Path in Cosmetic Dentistry, has been designed to allow Accredited members to demonstrate excellence in the planning and execution of complex treatments. It is aimed at those working at an advanced level that are also sharing their knowledge with the rest of the profession by writing and teaching at a postgraduate level.


The examination is aimed at a much higher level than Accreditation. There is great flexibility in the cases that may be presented, but the onus is on the candidate to present a sufficiently wide range of material to ensure that the submission proves their worthiness for award of this credential.

BACD would like to congratulate Dr Oliver Harman and Dr Ken Harris for achieving BACD Fellowship


1. Candidates must be Accredited members of the BACD in good standing
2. Candidates must demonstrate


a) that they have published at least one scientific article on a clinical subject related to cosmetic dentistry in a peer-reviewed publication


b) that they have given at least one postgraduate lecture of at least 90 minutes duration at a BACD meeting or at another national or international conference.

Fellowship Clinical Case

Candidates should present between three and five cases, demonstrating a comprehensive, full mouth approach to treatment planning and execution. This will usually mean treating both upper and lower teeth in some manner. A wide range of different cases should be submitted, not five identical treatment plans.

It is intended that the cases should demonstrate the candidate’s skills in a wide range of treatment modalities, including:

• Treatment of the worn dentition
• Combined orthodontic-restorative treatment
• Complex replacement of missing teeth – fixed and/or removable
• Restoration of the periodontally compromised dentition
• An occlusal rehabilitation

Submission of Cases

The submission will be in electronic format only and should be as a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation with a written report describing the treatments. This should include standard Accreditation pre- and post-treatment photographs as a minimum, but ideally more photographs demonstrating the techniques used should also be included.

British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD), 85 Great Portland Street, London W1W 7LT.

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