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As a member of the BACD, we ask you to follow a few rules in order to protect the integrity and consistency of the brand.



Guidelines on the usage of the BACD logo and announcement of membership

All members are reminded that announcement of membership of the Academy to patients and in practice promotional material should conform to the GDC’s current guidelines for advertising and promotion.

Announcement of membership or membership level should not be done in a way that misleads or has the potential to mislead the public.

The title “Founder Member”is not officially recognised by the Academy and its usage is not permitted.

Abuse of announcement of membership,misuse of the logo,or unauthorised use of the logo could result in the loss of BACD Membership as per the BACD Constitution and Byelaws,or possible referral to the GDC.

The Academy’s name and logo are its registered trademarks.Certain classes of membership are permitted to use these within the following guidelines.Please ensure that your business cards/practice brochures/websites and any other promotional items are compliant. Any non-permitted usage of the Academy’s name and logo will be treated as an infringement of our trademarks

Non members

No formal announcement of membership in materials to be seen by members of the public i.e. practice promotional material, business cards or stationery etc

Must not use the logo

Must not include a link to the BACD website from their own website

Associate members

No formal announcement of membership in materials to be seen by members of the public, i.e. practice promotional material, business cards or stationery etc.

May only announce membership as part of their CV in the form of “Associate Member of the BACD”, i.e. on a document intended for use by/for other dental professionals

May not use the logo

May include a link to the BACD website from their own website but may not use the logo in the link or website

Full members

May include the statement “Full Member of the BACD” in CVs, practice promotional material, business cards or stationery

May use the “BACD Full Member” logo provided that they are signed up to pay membership fees by the direct debit scheme, AND that they include a link from the logo on their website to the BACD website

Accredited members

May include the statement “Accredited Member of the BACD” in CVs, practice promotional material, business cards or stationery

May use the “BACD Accredited Member” logo provided that they are signed up to pay membership fees by the direct debit scheme, AND that they include a link from the logo on their website to the BACD website


May include the statement “Fellow of the BACD” in CVs, practice promotional material, business cards or stationery

May use the “BACD Fellow” logo provided that they are signed up to pay membership fees by the direct debit scheme, AND that they include a link from the logo on their website to the BACD website

Note for all Members who are entitled to use a logo

Please note that if you are part of a multipractitioner practice, the logo should only be displayed (in printed, online or other material) alongside the name of the individual dentist who is entitled to use it and in such a manner that it does not imply accreditation of the entire practice or other dentists. The same rule applies to any other promotional material. If you have any queries on this matter please contact the Credentialing Committee via BACD Central Office.

British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD), 85 Great Portland Street, London W1W 7LT.

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