BACD x VOCO Track Day

Home / Meetings / BACD x VOCO Track Day
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Members £250.00
Non-Members: Registration closed for non-members
2 CPD Hours

VOCO GmbH is looking for “quick learners” to attend a unique, educational, and exciting CE course at Silverstone!

This all-day course (08.30 – 17.30) offers 2 hours of CPD, with the remaining time spent driving and receiving expert tutelage from the Porsche Driving instructors.

Breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea is included.

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Is my composite Good or Great?

How to Identify truly “Tooth-Like/biomimetic” Restorative Materials

Marketing of a composite presents a clinician with an overall picture of the material, touching on “features” and their inherent “benefits”. While this is interesting to many, the key question is “How do these values impact the long-term clinical performance of the material?” This lecture will identify and explain “The Key Clinical Performance Indicators” (KCPI) and how they can help identify the difference between a good composite and a great one. Many materials perform well on a bench – but what really matters is the in-vivo performance. The ultimate goal to is to utilise materials that are as “tooth-like” as possible. Logically, these optimal materials will provide the clinician and patient with long-term, positive clinical outcomes.

To introduce the practitioners to the principles of Key Clinical Performance Indicators (KCPI’s) and how they can help identify the difference between a good composite and a great one. The ultimate goal to is to utilize materials that are as “tooth-like” as possible. Logically, these optimal materials will provide the clinician and patient with long-term, positive clinical outcomes.

At the conclusion of this lecture, attendees should be able the identify the key data/testing values for various materials and be able to select materials that are more case/application appropriate, for their clinical needs. The selection will ultimately provide the clinician and patient with a restoration that will offer optimal clinical performance.

GDC Learning Outcome: C

Registration Closed
Members £250.00
Non-Members: Registration closed for non-members
2 CPD Hours

British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD), 85 Great Portland Street, London W1W 7LT.

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