Dr Vasant is a highly experienced clinician based in London with a special interest in minimally invasive aesthetic dentistry.
He has a postgraduate Masters degree in Aesthetic & Restorative dentistry and is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons Faculty of General Dental Practitioners.
He lectures globally on many aspects of minimally invasive aesthetic dentistry.
He is a visiting lecturer at the University Of Geneva teaching on their Masters degree in Micro-invasive Aesthetic dentistry.
His own two day independent composite masterclass course entitled “Totally Composite” is one of the leading courses of its type and is held throughout the Uk and internationally having trained over 2000 dentists worldwide.
In addition he also runs his own year long postgraduate programme on all aspects of minimally invasive aesthetic dentistry entitled “Totally Aesthetics”.
He is a global key opinion leader for several dental companies and is the UK ambassador, on the European aesthetic dentistry advisory board and a global clinical speaker for Invisalign.
He has authored chapters in various dental books and has developed products for various dental companies including a composite instrument kit for Swiss manufacturers - Deppeler.
Outside of work he spends his time with his lovely wife and 2 young children and is an avid football and cricket fan.